About Me

Well met! My name is Korbinian Brunner. Though I largely go by Kirby, if I have a choice. I am a software developer, more specifically I completed a dual apprenticeship to become a Fachinformatiker for Anwendungsentwicklung. There are currently four jobs one can learn related to working with software and hardware in Germany, and this is one of them.

I started my software career (if it can be called that) working at a company that developed a DMS, a dealer management system. This is a kind of ERP system that should facilitate any organisational work that might arise in a car dealership. I am not going to lie, I hated a lot about this job and don't want to dwell on it. I am glad I got my foot in the door in software development, but my education there was sorely lacking. I guess that is a good thin insofar as it forced me into seeking out educational content myself.

I then progressed to web development at a company called crossvertise. It is a lovely company, but the financial situation of the company sadly deteriorated into precariousness. Seeing as the dev team had to compensate for recent terminations (some financial, some personal), we were all working very hard. I was the only one left in a junior position. And even though all my superiors (three: my team lead, the head of application development, and the CEO) told me that my "skill matrix" had progressed above and beyond what would be needed to considered a developer proper, they weren't able to raise my salary. I was facing at least five months of working in a too small dev team for our tasks and could neither count on stability, nor save towards a financial cushion, so I decided to leave.

I am currently looking for work and I use my spare time (which has, of course, gotten a significant boost) to learn new technologies and deepen my understanding of the ones I already know. Some of the repos I use for studying and experimenting are now being pressed into service as a portfolio. And seeing as a recent contributor to freeCodeCamp recommended "Document your journey", I decided to start this blog.

Though likely, I will be using it for other topics as well, that's what filter functionality is for. And Astro was great to work with, as it features so many comfort features out of the box. Currently, it bugs me that my live version doesn't quite have the same styling as my dev environment... but that's just being a developer! :D

Contact me here, if you like:

Technologies I Know From Work

  • React Logo
  • Angular Logo
  • .NET Logo

Technologies I Have Been Building Stuff With

  • Python Logo
  • FastAPI Logo
  • Go Logo
  • SvelteKit Logo

Technologies I Am Currently Learning

  • Gleam Logo
  • Elixir Logo
  • Ferris